Online Ressourcen

Vertrauenswürdige Internet-Adressen für Patienten

The UpToDate community includes a faculty of over 4,400 leading physicians, peer reviewers and editors and over 400,000 users. The faculty writes topic reviews that include a synthesis of the literature, the latest evidence, and specific recommendations for patient care. The users provide feedback to the editorial group. This community's combined efforts result in the most trusted, unbiased medical information available. Now patients have access to UpToDate, to learn more about a medical condition, better understand management and treatment options, and have a better dialogue with health care providers.

Each year, almost 700,000 studies are published in roughly 5,000 medical journals. The average practicing physician, much less a patient, cannot possibly keep pace with each new discovery and the changing face of medicine. Uptodate solves that problem by finding the world's leading experts in each medical subspecialty and recruiting them to synthesize the medical literature within their area of expertise. They take the latest findings, and distill them into articles that explain how emerging scientific discoveries should affect the everyday practice of medicine. Uptodate asks them to do this every four months—or more often, if groundbreaking studies are published. UpToDate used to be available only to physicians. UpToDate is unbiased. UptoDate does not accept money from pharmaceutical companies or other advertisers to maintain the editorial independence.

WebMD provides valuable health information, tools for managing your health, and support to those who seek information. You can trust that the content is timely and credible. The WebMD content staff blends award-winning expertise in medicine, journalism, health communication and content creation to bring you the best health information possible. The esteemed colleagues at are frequent contributors to WebMD and comprise our Medical Editorial Board. The Independent Medical Review Board continuously reviews the site for accuracy and timeliness.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), a part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, is the nation’s medical research agency—making important medical discoveries that improve health and save lives. NIH is the largest source of funding for medical research in the world, creating hundreds of thousands of high-quality jobs by funding thousands of scientists in universities and research institutions in every state across America and around the globe. NIH is made up of 27 Institutes and Centers, each with a specific research agenda, often focusing on particular diseases or body systems. All but three receive their funding directly from Congress and administrate their own budgets.

MedlinePlus is the National Institutes of Health's Web site USA for patients and their families and friends. Produced by the National Library of Medicine, it brings you information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues in language you can understand. MedlinePlus offers reliable, up-to-date health information, anytime, anywhere, for free.
You can use MedlinePlus to learn about the latest treatments, look up information on a drug or supplement, find out the meanings of words, or view medical videos or illustrations. You can also get links to the latest medical research on your topic or find out about clinical trials on a disease or condition. ist seit 1997 online. In den letzten zehn Jahren wurde zum bekanntesten Schweizer Ärzte- und Zahnärzteverzeichnis im Internet. und ist zurzeit in vier Sprachen veröffentlicht (,, und Das Anliegen ist es, über eine einfache, benutzerfreundliche Navigation ausführliche Gesundheitsinformationen bereitzustellen.

Das BAG (Bundesamt für Gesundheit) hat die Förderung der Gesundheit aller in der Schweiz lebenden Menschen zum Ziel. Es will einerseits die einzelnen befähigen, ihre Verantwortung für die eigene Gesundheit wahrzunehmen; andererseits will es, dass Gesundheitsförderung, Prävention und Gesundheitsschutz sowie Heilung und Linderung von Krankheiten und Unfällen ganzheitlich und konsistent im Hinblick auf den grösstmöglichen Gesundheitsgewinn für alle realisiert werden.

Dementsprechend befasst sich das BAG mit Themen wie

• Epidemien und Infektionskrankheiten,
• Drogen und Suchtprävention,
• Sicherheit von Lebensmitteln,
• Schutz vor Strahlungen und Lärmbelastung,
• Kontrolle von Giftstoffen und Chemikalien,
• Stammzellenforschung und Bioterrorismus sowie
• Kranken- und Unfallversicherung

Die DEGAM ist die wissenschaftliche Fachgesellschaft der Hausärzte. Wichtigstes Ziel der DEGAM ist es, die Allgemeinmedizin in Praxis und Wissenschaft zu fördern. Dabei sind uns die Studierenden und die Nachwuchsförderung besonders wichtig. Die Allgemeinmedizin umfasst die Grundversorgung aller Patienten mit Gesundheitsstörungen in der Notfall-, Akut- und Langzeitversorgung. Allgemeinärztinnen und -ärzte sind Spezialisten für den ganzen Menschen und darauf spezialisiert, erste Ansprechpartner bei allen Gesundheitsproblemen zu sein.

